Friday, July 15, 2022

“…Shocking, “Swift fly the years…”

Shocking, “swift fly the years”

Shocking were the words escaping me

Oak grove bench,

science hall in view ,

classes forty two years ago.

Sitting and considering this gap of time

 both uneasiness and good remembrance 

Younger days, time flying 

and it’s of no matter then

School years seem to take forever and a day

College days, go quickly , many firsts

1st love , 1st apartment 

Field across the road ,now a building  parking lot,

A place for a few to sunbathe back then

 And later get acquainted and build memories 

Postcollege days , work a priority 

First job 

thought it was a temporary stay

Meet your love in your place of work caring for mom

Marriage follows and life together 

Years pass in a flight- twelve years

Four branches grow so fast

Overflowing lives and loves

Soon to plant anew

Graduations , city suites,

Weddings, years soaring 

“Love that can’t be contained, cannot even be measured, 

love that goes on and on”

Life -so fast

Now walking more slowly, silvered by time,

Memories quickened by familiar scenes and shadows

Life is a mix of 

'the time is not passing' 

and 'the time flies so fast'.

“swift fly the years” (1)

"Time flies, but not memories." (2)

"Time flies when you are having fun."(3)

"Time meanwhile is flying, flying beyond recall." (4)

"Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind." (5)

Shocking, “Swift fly the years”,

Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta 

1 Alexander Pope

2 Ika Natassa

3 Albert Einstein

4 Virgil, from his 3rd book of 'Georgics'

5 Nathaniel Hawthorne

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