Friday, July 1, 2022

“…Lean into The Light…”

Lean into The Light 

The flower and the field lean

to the light

Obstacles and adverse times    bespeak the need to lean in.

Quickly scan and we see all of nature leaning to light, 

growth and glory.

The Hosta leaning more than the others for the light till blossoming.

The Tiger Lily leaning toward the bright sunshine in sunset-like color palette. 

The umbrella shielding- soaking it up to shelter

Both reflecting light


The petunias in the window box forever growing out and up toward the light

Windows brimming with color and life 

The foxglove tall and grand 

Toxic but helpful for the heart that beats broken 

Array of friends variety of reasons that give light and make the soul alive 

How do we soak in the light from others and also be a light for them 

Light giving life 

the daisy knows it 

the moon knows it too 

reflecting the Sun's light, making it appear bright in our sky

So we give and receive this reviving light, we give it freely 

Lean back, we do 

and we consider it all

In the middle of a Wheat field thistles grow, both so textured and beautiful colors 

The milling process, life itself

grain is cleaned, tempered, ground, sifted and separated, purified and on to sifting into a variety of flours

Just like this daily life we purpose on,

 creating our lives and space, in the middle, in the tension and shaking

 to breathe in and be stunning 

“Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow….their garments are stunning .And think about grassy fields —God adorns them so radiantly.

Lean into The Light

(Glimpse poetry, by Joe Holuta)

Lean Back 

The Worship Initiative, Davy Flowers

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