Monday, June 3, 2024

“… time machine …”


 Time Machine

Oh, to have a time machine 

A silent movie on a screen 

Seeing the smiles, piercing pain retreats


Heart heard laughter – sounds and sing-alongs 

Dancing freely together 

“ In Good Hands” – a sieve, holding all that is dear

Sifting the good and fading the strain 

Time Machine Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem- Time Machine is a poem about the desire at times to want to go back to things, lifetime’s and people the way they were. It doesn’t take much to actually visualize the movie of the past and see those you loved that were dear and feel, smell , hear, taste and touch all that once was dear. Easier now to sift the good and let the strain fade-as we should.- Joe Holuta 

Note- inspired by the movie “In Good Hands- 2”

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