Saturday, April 8, 2023

"... Good Friday...New life Day..."

Good Friday... New life Day

Deeply troubled yet the reason He came

The crushing, the pressing

“And so, they had Him crucified. 

They divided the clothes off His back…

and they sat on the ground and watched Him hang.”1

Darkness covered the land

The sun refused to shine

Forsaken, The Father turned His back

A cry in a loud voice and breathed His last

Curtain torn and rocks split

Surely innocent, really the Son

It is finished!

Fully done!

Three days 

Death is crushed! 

“What a love! 

What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.”2

A Summersong has Risen!

Afternoon wakens the Day

Sunbright Reflections 

New Life at the Waters point3

Good Friday...New Life Day, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta


  1. Matthew 27:35-36 VOICE
  2. The Power of the Cross Oh, to see the dawn [The power of the cross The power of the cross - Stuart Townend
  3. Inspiring named streets in Germantown, MD.
  4. Added posts:

About this Poem: Good Friday...New Life Day, is a poem about Jesus, although trouble and crushed willingly hung on the cross for us. Died and raised from the dead three days later. Many that saw knew He was innocent and the Son of God. What a love. Summersong, Afternoon and Sunbright are streets in Germantown MD that is near my daughter. Each time I read the signs of the streets it brightens the day and makes me wish "I would have given more away" to those I love.  - Joe Holuta

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