You saved the day
Deeds we have seen in days past
Great things done in our time
You can hear with your ears
But miracles seen , Believing
Our dads and moms may have told us
Our ancestors may have told us of the great things God has done
When you see it
Miracles start the stopped heart beating again
Solitary lives, so we think
Fresh tracks in fields of white
Recalling a friend, parent, or loved one
When we’ve been down and out, having a hard day without hope
and they encourage, firm up, love
We have all had those times when we say to them
You have made my day
“You have saved the day”
We then know God directs them and all things
The view of the vessel inside, the impasse, the hardening
Skilled hands and eyes together mend
When you see each other, fresh the scars recall
New mercies this and every morning
Fresh tracks together on fields of white
A solitary tree yet a second look
Two tall limbs, from one growing equally
There will come a day when our heartbeats rest,
but not today, not this day
“You Saved The Day”.
Just like days past,
days of old, of long ago (1)
You Saved The Day, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta
About this Poem: You Saved The Day is about believing miracles still happen. I want to be an ancestor that tells those who follow me of the deeds God has done. My brother-in-law had open heart surgery and I was able to be at the hospital the day he had a heart cath. and it was determined he was having the surgery that same day- miracle in itself. Miracles start the stopped heart beating again. We may think we are living solitary lives, but we encourage others and we have been encouraged the same. God directs the surgeon and directs our lives as well and saves many a day, just like days of long ago.
- Joe Holuta
(1) “With our own ears, O God, we have heard the stories our ancestors recited of Your deeds in their days, days long past—how You saved the day.”
Psalm 44:1 VOICE
Dedicated to Mitch
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