New Year’s Resolutions
The first letters make up the acrostic and the last letters the telestich ; in this case they are identical. A double acrostic (also known as shadow poetry). It not only spells a word with the letters at the beginning of its lines, but with letters at the very end of the lines as well.
New year, new hope, new endurance, once again a resolutioN
End the bitterness in my heart toward the past decades of moralizing pastoral “carE’
Win at all costs no longer, but ask questions to better understand the why and hoW
Yield to God always, and to others close to me for they often chart the waY
Energize when “All your waves break over mE
Answer my deepest prayers in bittersweet times, and dilemmA
Recall and remember the loving-kindnesses through the yeaR
Surprise others with sincere interest, compassion, care, and kind wayS
Resolve to discipline my words, thoughts, and deeds; and to pause before I answeR
Eternal One, your mercy “moves in close”; this new year let me never forget the rescuE
Simplify my life, to lessen attachments to this world’s means, and wayS
Open my eyes to see the divide, and hunger for those things that echO
Lighten the load for family I love, and others that I meet, and help lighten the burdens of those who I rivaL
Understand the racial divide more fully, that which rends hearts and souls, and help me never to plateaU
Take time to walk more in nature than a year before, reset, rest and write in the foresT
Imagine new ways to honor, and give more away, imagine days and celebrations showered with confettI
Outreach to community, to after school kids- some first to see the inside of a church, all effects surpassing my reach toO
Notice those who seem invisible, or cast aside, to refresh and strengthen them agaiN
Sing to the Eternal of all the good things He’s done… broadcast the good news of His salvation, each and every day*- such good newS
New Year’s Resolutions, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta
*Psalm 96:2 Voice
Thanks for sharing this creative and thoughtful poem for the new year. The images bring peace and highlight the good!