Wednesday, November 30, 2022

"... dry bones and sweet breath ..."

Dry bones and Sweet Breath 

Sweet breath I pray, life to these dry bones

Depression, unwelcome death, addiction, dreams shattered

Life to these dry bones and desert places

Inhale, The Spirit gives life, beats to the heart, and breath to the lungs

“O sweet breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these” *

Enliven marriages, rekindle careers, and shattered dreams

Breath of Heaven, welcome

We see all you have done good, yet we quiver in fear

Receiving is so hard to do, faith alone welcomes you 

No striving, or method, just grace, grace, grace 

We invite the sweet breath

Oh, when stressed and fearful

We breathe deep and inhale life

Jesus takes our hand and speaks

"Child, get up! we start breathing again**

Hope for the day and living our life again

A mystery to me how you give me hope and hold my heart 

Can these bones live? ***

“Are you weary? Inhale him. Is stress mounting? Inhale him. Does fear threaten to suck you out to sea? Take a deep breath of life. Little by little, one breath after another. Soon, before you know it, you will have inhaled Life into your life.”

Dry Bones and Sweet Breath, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

*    Ezekiel 37:9

**   Luke 8:54-55

*** Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit, Max Lucado

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