Wednesday, November 30, 2022

“… Constant…”

God is constant

God is as constant as the summer heat and the cool fall breezes

Spring showers and winter winds

Constant, mirrored in the sky

the lake and mountain

In hearts we love, and eyes that see

Watching, quietly behind the scenes, in control,

Constant, deep love and hope 

We don’t know what we think, we think again

He gives notice, “See the signal raised on the mountains,

Look!” *

Speed of light and sound, fundamental 

invariant quantities observed in nature **

Gravitational constant unlocking the mass of everything in the universe, secrets of gravity as well.

Governing power which allowed design and ordering of life

Constants of physics, Boltzmann’s, Permittivity of free space and electrical fields

Physical constants that reflect precise settings

Just beginning to understand the essential nature

Bent toward pride

Ruling My life 

Knowing the rhyme and reason of all that I think I know

And then, I think again, 

"Why argue to win, rather listen, ask questions to understand"

The Constant and Eternal One answers Job and me as well

Considering all, I understand "nothing in comparison with what I know not."

*“In your short run of days, have you ever commanded the morning to begin or taught the sun to rise in its place?”    

“Tell me, which way is it to where the light resides? And darkness? Where does the darkness live?”

“Ah, but of course you know! After all, you were born way back then when all this was created,and your days have been many indeed.”

“Have you visited the vast, cold treasury where the snow is stored,or have you gazed on the shimmering, frozen armories where the hail is held,”

“Do you know the rules of the heavens,or apportion their influence on the seasons of the earth? Who put wisdom within the center of the created or granted understanding to the mind?”

I rest in this, to Look.

See the flag raised, the standard, the ensign, hold high the banner

A new song is heard and sung

Sweet are your ways as honey to taste

Solid is the bedrock under my feet

When tempted to faint, I look, “Things are not as they seem”

I am, never alone

God Is Constant, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta 

*Isaiah 18:3


***Job 38: 12,19,21,22,33,36

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