Wednesday, November 30, 2022

"... dry bones and sweet breath ..."

Dry bones and Sweet Breath 

Sweet breath I pray, life to these dry bones

Depression, unwelcome death, addiction, dreams shattered

Life to these dry bones and desert places

Inhale, The Spirit gives life, beats to the heart, and breath to the lungs

“O sweet breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these” *

Enliven marriages, rekindle careers, and shattered dreams

Breath of Heaven, welcome

We see all you have done good, yet we quiver in fear

Receiving is so hard to do, faith alone welcomes you 

No striving, or method, just grace, grace, grace 

We invite the sweet breath

Oh, when stressed and fearful

We breathe deep and inhale life

Jesus takes our hand and speaks

"Child, get up! we start breathing again**

Hope for the day and living our life again

A mystery to me how you give me hope and hold my heart 

Can these bones live? ***

“Are you weary? Inhale him. Is stress mounting? Inhale him. Does fear threaten to suck you out to sea? Take a deep breath of life. Little by little, one breath after another. Soon, before you know it, you will have inhaled Life into your life.”

Dry Bones and Sweet Breath, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

*    Ezekiel 37:9

**   Luke 8:54-55

*** Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit, Max Lucado

“… Constant…”

God is constant

God is as constant as the summer heat and the cool fall breezes

Spring showers and winter winds

Constant, mirrored in the sky

the lake and mountain

In hearts we love, and eyes that see

Watching, quietly behind the scenes, in control,

Constant, deep love and hope 

We don’t know what we think, we think again

He gives notice, “See the signal raised on the mountains,

Look!” *

Speed of light and sound, fundamental 

invariant quantities observed in nature **

Gravitational constant unlocking the mass of everything in the universe, secrets of gravity as well.

Governing power which allowed design and ordering of life

Constants of physics, Boltzmann’s, Permittivity of free space and electrical fields

Physical constants that reflect precise settings

Just beginning to understand the essential nature

Bent toward pride

Ruling My life 

Knowing the rhyme and reason of all that I think I know

And then, I think again, 

"Why argue to win, rather listen, ask questions to understand"

The Constant and Eternal One answers Job and me as well

Considering all, I understand "nothing in comparison with what I know not."

*“In your short run of days, have you ever commanded the morning to begin or taught the sun to rise in its place?”    

“Tell me, which way is it to where the light resides? And darkness? Where does the darkness live?”

“Ah, but of course you know! After all, you were born way back then when all this was created,and your days have been many indeed.”

“Have you visited the vast, cold treasury where the snow is stored,or have you gazed on the shimmering, frozen armories where the hail is held,”

“Do you know the rules of the heavens,or apportion their influence on the seasons of the earth? Who put wisdom within the center of the created or granted understanding to the mind?”

I rest in this, to Look.

See the flag raised, the standard, the ensign, hold high the banner

A new song is heard and sung

Sweet are your ways as honey to taste

Solid is the bedrock under my feet

When tempted to faint, I look, “Things are not as they seem”

I am, never alone

God Is Constant, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta 

*Isaiah 18:3


***Job 38: 12,19,21,22,33,36

Saturday, November 19, 2022



Once a mansion, on a hill with a pool 

Near the stream we fished and fields we frequently hunted

Our neighbor as the housekeeper

Remember when I was young, the longing to look inside 

Now boarded up door, no pool but still a mansion in my mind, 

still travel back in time 

Streams I fished with my father at my side,

Joy so many times and disappointment surface too

Posted now, No trespassing 

Selling fresh brown eggs and bunnies for sale

Near the bridge that carried many a car in the day

Underneath youth fishing hearts away 

Roads once traveled when young at heart, wild and free

Farms and farmers l once knew, stalwartly traditional, and pillars

Farmlands renamed now, residences 

No longer working farms 

Bridge near hometowns named now for uncle who gave, 

The ultimate, though we never knew him or WWII

The history we had

ongoing love and pain

every family experience,

Some families, nothing breaking their day

Our family, though it is hard to “love those and not turn away” 

He who “knew what he knew, did the best he could, and that best was devastating to me” *

Me, myself, and alone

A reliable narrator of our life history, lessening the pain 

Retreating and armoring myself for fear of the same

We love and we lose,

battle addiction, illness, and loneliness; care for children and parents; struggle in our jobs, our marriages, we try

Not realizing that love and fury are part

The whole spectrum of our life and love of family *

Somehow, we keep buried, hard things,

addictions, and those things that devastate,

If only in our minds 

Nothing like walking from the shady side of the mountain back to the sunny side again, feeling the warmth of the sunshine

at the same time cool air enlivens and awakens

Hope shines and lightens,

We let go now, the heavy packs at our feet, 

like bottles broken at the bottom of the stairs

Loving all that we were, our story, 

No longer trapped, no longer shielding of hiding away

Choosing forgiveness and living the life we have

“Living with and allowing for, accommodating for, the good bits and the bad” *

Mansions, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

*Everything Happens with Kate Bowler, 

  Julia Samuel: Every Family Has A Story: • S9 E11

Every family has a story

About this poem: Mansions is a poem about parents we hold high in our lives yet have had serious flaws that were devastating at the time but when you look back have shaped you.

The mansion mentioned in the poem is a metaphor of a person held in high regard yet subject to deteriorating and a feeling of loss or grief for something lost.

Beautiful times experienced but many of the moments filled with disappointment.

The ongoing love and pain every family experiences concerning a family member’s addiction.

I became the narrator of our lives, and kept buried, deep disappointment not thinking that this was the spectrum of our whole life we had together.

One day, when thinking about writing this poem and while walking, I walked from the shady side of a mountain to the sunny side, bright side feeling the warmth, and somehow loving all that we are, and every part of my story. Seemed a burden, a backpack, fell off my back and the weight lifted representing the shame and doubt that I felt because of his and my sin.

There was one occasion when i was young and my father was drunk, we had a plan to go fishing or something I can’t recall exactly and was so disappointed and angry. I went downstairs to the cellar and picked up his whole case of beer and threw it down the stairs, and they broke at the cellar floor, glass shattered. I remember crying, remember the shock in his face, and also a sobering moment for him.

  I recalled a passage in the book, The Pilgrims Progress, by John Bunyan -

“Up this way, therefore, did burdened Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because of the load on his back.

He ran thus till he came at a place somewhat ascending; and upon that place stood a cross, and a little below, in the bottom, a sepulchre. So I saw in my dream, that just as Christian came up with the cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, and fell from off his back, and began to tumble, and so continued to do till it came to the mouth of the sepulchre, where it fell in, and I saw it no more.

Then was Christian glad and lightsome, and said with a merry heart, “He hath given me rest by his sorrow, and life by his death.” Then he stood still a while, to look and wonder; for it was very surprising to him that the sight of the cross should thus ease him of his burden. He looked, therefore, and looked again, even till the springs that were in his head sent the waters down his cheeks.”

Forgiveness- as I asked forgiveness and I forgave my father of past wrong the longing and desire to start “Living with and allowing for, accommodating for, the good bits and the bad” gave new perspective and gratefulness.

I traveled to the area we used to go hunting and fishing all the time and recalled having good and bad memories, remembered the laughter and joy with a stringer of trout, the pride he felt for us, and remembered mom who fried trout in the most amazing way. 

I saw the roads, the “narrow bridge” and the “mansion” I remembered on a hill. -Joe Holuta

Thursday, November 10, 2022

"...yes, it has..."

Yes, it has

Walking and seeing the blue sky
Recalling and remembering God's blessings. Over the years
we have seen many unfold
Branching like the limbs of a tree against that blue, sea blue sky
Rustling leaves quicken the memory
And how the wind stirs and 
Yes, it has piled the “harvest at our feet”

Yes, it has been good,
Note after written note in the good book I see
As one measure of God’s goodness to me
The scan, the appointment, tests, promotions, responsibilities, Valleys crossed, 
yes, it has been good
yes, it has hills high,
yet meadows green and worth it all

You see the colorful pictures on the wall, the family vacations, marriages, 
those who live, have lived
and we have lost
great lives that have shaped and formed us,
Love to know a hundred things more
Fascinating, “filing cabinets” packed full
Their lives so beautiful, impactful, bits and pieces our own
Interpreters, love letters on hearts of the kindest script

“Look up, Behold,”
“Things are not as they seem…there is more.”1
Visions are limited,
Misinterpretation and distorted view
Blind at times to Beauty,
washed both sides to see
Different views we fail to see
Both limited and inadequate, happiness shrinks 
“How many Thanksgivings do we have left?” a question to ask
Memorable, scarce events, help us to use our lives wisely
living each day as if it were the last.”2

“But what if we let these opinions go? Not putting ours on top
Let's try…. things simply are. Not good or bad.
Not colored with opinion or judgment. Just are.”3
Yes, it has
been good, and worth it all

Yes, it has, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poemYes It Has is a poem about life and family; our ancestors, and how we’ve learned humility and gratitude and growth in thinking the most generous interpretation of family members differences, and what they go through and how we have a limited vision to see clearly. Each of our lives are a file cabinet with different drawers and folders, and if we could dive deeply into each would see such a glorious recollection of all that our lives have been and so full. I was speaking with my son-in-law Lawrence while walking in the woods  after hearing good news, and  I said God is good and life has been good and he said “yes it has” and that phrase was a glimpse of this goodness and emotion at the time. - Joe Holuta

1. Revelation 4: 1-2 John Joseph Powell, Fully Human, Fully Alive: A New Life through a New Vision (Niles, Illinois: Argus       Communications, 1976), 10.

2. From Strength to Strength, Finding success, happiness and deep purpose in the second half of life, By Arthur C. Brooks. p. 137

3. Daily Stoic, Opinions Are Like…, April 18th

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

“…death …why do we fear…”

Signal Mountain Summit - view of Teton range area pic by matt
Signal Mountain Summit Road (U.S. National Park Service) (

Death…Why do we fear 

Our greatest fear reveals our greatest hope

Windows of the brightest light 

Piercing the clouds

Patches of blue and gray

Reflections of a lake we know, the sounds, smells, and winds of home

Oh death, the sting, the fear we face

Leaving the loves, piercing pain

I hate the passing, “we think it’s time”so I rise 

Seeing the last breath, 

Open wide the Book of Life,

Name certain not to be erased 1

We all wither

We all grow old

The books and volumes we’ve written

Forgotten soon, no matter the grasp or height

“No time for bickering, only time for loving

So brief is life” 2

Even "the pomp of empires dissolves like the white mist of the morning

before the sun..."3

“Bitterness, go! unforgiveness, go!

Live today as if it was your first day, befriend others

Do the good you haven’t done but want to

Choose not to worry about things that won’t matter”4

Hold tight to what you have, hold what matters

Be “like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water 

sending out its roots beside the stream

that never run dry,

leaves never fade,

does not fear the heat or even drought

No matter what you do, or face”5

Promises true, we must believe

The First and Last and Mansions sure

Heavy loads and packs fall off our backs once for all

Your love rewrites my story

Face like a brilliant light, Blinding sun, hand that reaches down

No time for fear, light, clear, age to age

Garments washed, opened wide the gates

Death…Why do we fear, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

1. Revelation 3:5 Rev 3:5 VOICE - “The one who conquers through - Bible Gateway

2. Mark Twain, quote paraphrased

3. Charles Spurgeon, Sermon No.101 THE EXALTATION OF CHRIST (

4. Strength to Strength, Arthur C. Brooks, paraphrased

5. Inspired by Jeremiah 17:8, Psalm 1:3 VOICE

Snow Covered Memorial Stones

Snow covered memorial stones  Snow covered stones with those we love below Names covered - “How will they know It is us that lie?”  Far bene...