Wednesday, May 18, 2022

“…weep for those who weep, say their names…”

the satiny petals fall

Weep for those who weep,

 Say their names

Weep for those who weep, and say their names,

The Poppies bloomed overnight,

The rain, came hard, water droplets beading like tears on the petals,

Now heavy, bowing down, 

the satiny petals fall.

A Beautiful afternoon shaken by violence and evil,

But their legacies will replace the evil this day,

 “So much beauty, so much unbearable pain”

Celestine Chaney, 65; Survived cancer a grandmother dear,

Roberta Drury, 32; her smile vibrant

Andre Mackneil, 53; Surprise gifts, loved family

Katherine “Kat” Massey, 72; Beloved soul in community

Margus Morrison, 52; Father and nicest person

Heyward Patterson, 67; Deacon served many

Aaron Salter, 55; Brave tried to save

Geraldine Talley, 62; Genuine love amazing life

Ruth Whitfield, 86; a beloved pillar 

Pearl Young, 77; food pantry and a joy

We ask Why?

Why God would allow the good to fall that beautiful afternoon,

and this evil transpire

Why God could someone so young, drive so far,

Connive hate so long to see white as supreme, 

Flags missed and laws loose to allow this deathsman’s devastation

“Bewilderment, tensions,

 No answer -This side of the grave

Carry on they would say,

 “Carry forward the grief still choose to love and live on”

This evil will end someday, you must press on,

Justice will flow, water in this desert place

Hear them as living legacies say:  

Living is both “difficult and vital” but Hope springs up 

Life and victory await the other side of this day

“Do not retaliate with evil”

“Do not seek revenge”

“Turn it over to Him who settles all scores”

“Never let evil get the best of you; instead,

 overpower evil with good.” *

We carry their lives and legacy forward, 

we say their names 

We cherish and are thankful for them

Rare beauty so common shopping in Buffalo this day

(Weep for those who weep, Say their Names, 

Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta)

* Romans 15:17-21 Voice

“” Some words may be from Jerry Sittser in ‘A Grace Disguised'

“No poet has yet sung the full beauty of our poppy. No painter has successfully portrayed the satiny sheen of its lustrous petals. In its abundance, this colorful plant should not be slighted: cherish it and be ever thankful that so rare a flower is common.” 

-John Thomas Howell

Ten poppies

Bleeding Hearts



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