Tuesday, January 31, 2023

“…You Saved The Day…”

You saved the day 

Deeds we have seen in days past

Great things done in our time

You can hear with your ears 

But miracles seen , Believing 

Our dads and moms may have told us

Our ancestors may have told us of the great things God has done 

When you see it

Miracles start the stopped heart beating again

Solitary lives, so we think

Fresh tracks in fields of white

Recalling a friend, parent, or loved one

When we’ve been down and out, having a hard day without hope 

and they encourage, firm up, love 

We have all had those times when we say to them 

You have made my day 

“You have saved the day”

We then know God directs them and all things

The view of the vessel inside, the impasse, the hardening 

Skilled hands and eyes together mend

When you see each other, fresh the scars recall

New mercies this and every morning

Fresh tracks together on fields of white 

A solitary tree yet a second look

Two tall limbs, from one growing equally 

There will come a day when our heartbeats rest, 

but not today, not this day

“You Saved The Day”. 

Just like days past, 

days of old, of long ago (1)

You Saved The Day, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this Poem: You Saved The Day is about believing miracles still happen. I want to be an ancestor that tells those who follow me of the deeds God has done. My brother-in-law had open heart surgery and I was able to be at the hospital the day he had a heart cath. and it was determined he was having the surgery that same day- miracle in itself. Miracles start the stopped heart beating again. We may think we are living solitary lives, but we encourage others and we have been encouraged the same. God directs the surgeon and directs our lives as well and saves many a day, just like days of long ago. 

- Joe Holuta

(1) “With our own ears, O God, we have heard the stories our ancestors recited of Your deeds in their days, days long past—how You saved the day.”

Psalm 44:1 VOICE

Dedicated to Mitch 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

“…precious in my sight…”

Precious in My Sight

Take it all in,

Savor the years 

Beautiful lives 

Precious gifts

Not winners or losers 

Authentic lives 

Tell the story, not optimism only

But the loss ,failure,grief and pain 

Smiles and perfection unessential

Sorrow and longing is well enough 

Fast forward, no hedge contains 

Speechless, silence, 

Truth telling ,your life

Truce of silence gone

Emotion fills you, 

“Because you are precious in My sight” (1)

This moment,No words, the grandeur

“A well-spoken word at just the right moment—golden apples in settings of silver.”(2)

A mountain high 

A wintery scene, in awe of it all as the distance clears the view


I hear you (3)

Precious in My Sight, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta 

About this Poem: Precious in My Sight is about knowing we are precious to God, and He sees us and hears us in the good as well as sorrow or longing. Words spoken to us or words we speak to others can reflect immense love and just what is needed at the time. - Joe Holuta

(1) “Because you are precious in My sight, you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in return for you and other peoples in exchange for your life.”

Isaiah 43:4 AMP

(2) “A well-spoken word at just the right moment is like golden apples in settings of silver.” 

Proverbs 25:11 VOICE

(3) Thoughts from Bittersweet , Susan Cain

Sunday, January 8, 2023

"...window view ..."

Window view

Sunrise window at the start of day

Bright leaves and flowers, breaking dawn, the morning

and brilliant at sunset, quiet closing as the colors fade

Children look out, amazed

And gaze through the pane

Seeing today, seeing what we did, what we dreamed

Cat whimsically plays with a hanging plant

patiently scans the ground, cat chattering from the window seal at it's prey 

Upstairs the view, the pine trees, the limbs move as squirrels trapeze 

run time, and time again 

Cheeks stuffed full of nuts

Sounds at the bus stop 

She’s singing, and swinging around 

and around 

running at times to meet 

Traffic sounds, alarms, diesels, air brakes,

and the morning train

Busyness wakes

Wealthy homes, vacant streets in one direction 

Apartments, the court, and the struggle we have seen, in the other,

cycles repeat, rarely breaking 

The window protects from cold, wind and rays 

then opens wide to feel the breeze and air, fresh 

and hear laughter in the yard, gabbling in the pool, 

giggling, family prattling for hours 

At the window, we see storms approach and unfair weather 

We see the streets and neighbors come and go

playing and sounds of voices swell 

Spring robins take their fill, fattened by holly berries, 

Limbs, years of growth, green leaves and red berries

now brush the windowpanes and bring a warmth to the winter 

Over time and with age, the pane can cloud, the view unclear 

Seeing the “Fragile, fleeting, precious, transcendent love”

The Yearning and Love and perhaps the “inconsolable longing" *

Younger days we see the kids and we are uneasy at times as they play

Swinging from branches 

and big wheel blasts and bikes wobbling 

Later years, you watch and wait for the arrival, the smiles, and first greetings, 

Ending, with the waves at the window and the goodbyes with hope 

to see you soon

Window view, ** Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this Poem: Window view is about looking forward to a new day and how a window view has been a view to deep in my heart, reminiscent of times spent with family as the years fly. I love the morning sunrise and look forward to the rays of sunlight, the rainbow that the hanging prism creates, brightening the walls of our home. I recall the faces, the laughter, sounds and sights through the view and the protection it provides. We anticipate the arrival and departure with love and longing for more. - Joe Holuta 

  * C.S Lewis

** Inspired by the poem listed after pictures At a Window by Carl Sandburg

At a Window

Carl Sandburg - 1878-1967

Give me hunger,

O you gods that sit and give

The world its orders.

Give me hunger, pain and want,

Shut me out with shame and failure

From your doors of gold and fame,

Give me your shabbiest, weariest hunger!

But leave me a little love,

A voice to speak to me in the day end,

A hand to touch me in the dark room

Breaking the long loneliness.

In the dusk of day-shapes

Blurring the sunset,

One little wandering, western star

Thrust out from the changing shores of shadow.

Let me go to the window,

Watch there the day-shapes of dusk

And wait and know the coming

Of a little love.

Some windows, and messages we see:


Friday, January 6, 2023

“…[pause]* “to lift up”..


Restores, Green, 

Trials, Sustains,

Endures, Rest, 

Weaves, New 

Remarkable achievements in each day 

in common ways in care

in pressing on,

in reaching higher

in hard circumstance

Stories never in the limelight

Each day a chance again

Decide to [pause]* “to lift up."

Be “sweet water on parched land, 

Be streams on hard-packed ground” (1)

[pause] * “to lift up", Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this Poem: [pause] * "to lift up" is about a footnote in the Voice Bible version where the author takes a break in the writing, and it lists [pause]*- meaning to lift up (2). When I read this, I feel it is a time to take notice, to worship and take note of what I'm reading, ex." May He grant the dreams of your heart and see your plans through to the end." I was walking around a Lake Churchill in Germantown, MD and saw a vine growing up and through a fence reaching for the light.  We can lift up others each day, many times in common, less spectacular ways, that reflect life to the soul. - Joe Holuta

1. Isaiah 44:3 VOICE 

    Like a devoted gardener, I will pour sweet water on parched land,

        streams on hard-packed ground;

    I will pour My spirit on your children and grandchildren—

        and let My blessing flow to your descendants.

2. Psalm 20:3-4

    May He remember all that you have offered Him;

    may your burnt sacrifices serve as a prelude to His mercy.


    May He grant the dreams of your heart

    and see your plans through to the end.

          *20:3 from a Hebrew root meaning “to lift up”

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