Wednesday, September 28, 2022



End of the day, the sun set is spectacularly colorful 

According to plan and design it sets

We climb the hill again to see, to rise

To Rise above the haste, the downturns, the crashing days

We climb and see the mountains in the distant horizon 

Surface and the sky appear to meet.

Rising from the earth, towering high 

Sky painted in orange, red and colors indescribable 

Contrasting heights of the mountains faced today in life, our body aches, and brokenness 

in mind and in spirit too

Sculpted peaks, ground, beneath the waters 

Folding and breaking, stacked, wedged, heat and pressure 

Thickening piles rise up over many years 

Majestic mountains, 

Peaks and valleys in life the same pressures and sculpting 

Stacking piles to where we need a touch,where we need healing

Brilliance in common care without flare or grandeur seeking 

Remembering and recalling that 

“At sunset, all who had people sick with various diseases brought them to him. He laid his hands on each of them and cured them” # 

Darkness falls, the sun sets on another day, a passage of time

Peace surrounds and quiet so gladly fills the air and ear

Our body still weak, no help we see,

But somehow strength for another day

What gives this life, sustaining drive in changing Seasons, 

“What do we clench, what Are we unwilling to let go”

Nature and the tree’s leaves even know

As winds of autumn blow,then a whisper “Help is here”

“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” ##

# Luke 4: 40 (RSV)

# #John 6:63 ESV, Jesus speaking

Sunset, Glimpse poetry, by Joe Holuta

Pic by Matt

pic by Emily Ann 

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