Tuesday, October 15, 2024

LakeHouse again

LakeHouse again

Morning light so sweet, 

good to see the light of day

With those we love, again, and again, 

Every breath applauding the pleasant light of morning *

Remember these early mornings-remember

Walking and Leaves falling, 🍂 lifting arms, hands raised high to catch them

Looking, she loves the leaves 🍁 and raises her hands -in worship of a kind

-fall beauty 

Jumping -to catch the leaves on the way,

to cherish the day as long as can be

The kayaks, blue dotting the lake

The races, the laughter, the smiles

and soaked jeans

Oars splashing -singing grateful, 

echoing songs of family

The dock the finish line and underneath they go

Overhead a bald eagle soars looking down, 

what a sight, of the lives, 

futures bracketed, breathtaking grace

again, and again 

Design- Like the spider's intricate web designs,

orderly, strong, and surprising

Frisbee near the lake and football streaming - rest, anticipation and joy throughout 

Stories by the fire, sparks light up the tale

warmth all around 

Young one’s imaginations,

eyes wide in wonder 

The older - children at heart again

All vividly create and build on each other's tale

and pass on the memories of this night

“Your goodness running after me" plays on the speaker in the kitchen

Years, decades, rewind in her mind of the good,

the goodness she sees in them

The past goodness now alive in this moment,

The tears washing fresh to the joy of today 

Dockside, swimming until dusk,

Clam shells lining the stairs and shore 

Fish jumping and a few caught and released again - like the cares we hold

Canoes, and kayaks along the coves,

Surveying the bounty and glory of the sunshine and the day, 

glimmering ripples to the way back, to the Lakehouse 

The Sun sets and the fire too

Hide and seek surprise, ping-pong balls bouncing

Chatter in the bunkroom, now softens, and then stills

The wheels on the bus come to a stop

But the minds, still so lively, colorful, and bright as they sleep- then dream

Recalling the full day together, and the year before, 

From the moment that I wake up, till I lay my head

Cousins- again filled with love and care of the younger and each other

Brothers and sisters dream above and know that hope is never lost

LakeHouse Again, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: LakeHouse Again is a poem about our family taking a weekend getaway to Lake Anna, Virginia. The food and quiet and rest were so refreshing. Jumping in to the lake from the dock a highlight and surprise for sure.

Grandchildren, kayak races with sounds of laughter echoing over the lake. Grandparents in wonder, at the goodness, "taking another circle around the sun."

Goodness of God Spotify

Goodness of God YouTube

*Light is sweet; one glimpse of the sun delights the eyes.

 The light is sweet and pleasant, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun. 

 ·Sunshine [Light] is sweet;it is good ·to see the light of day [for the eyes to see the sun].

 It is good to be able to enjoy the pleasant light of day. 

Ecclesiastes 11:7


Wednesday, October 9, 2024


40 years of this view- 🌅 

Yet it sets so quickly,

Daylight lessens 

Fleeting life under the sun,

Flowers brilliantly fading,

We are inseparable, really

Nothing lacking 

No time to despair

Memories of our family warm the chilled evening air

We are inseparable, really

Love- blazing as the sun-setting-light deep into our bones and spirit

Fragrant as the flowers; holding dear the petals and beautiful fading light

About this poemInseparable is a poem about seeing the sunset at our home of 40 years. Prior to seeing the sunset blazing through the flowers on the picnic table - I commented to my wife Jayne, "we are inseparable, really". So many beautiful family times on this side stone patio and table. So many times, I viewed the sun setting on a cold evening while grilling and recalled our family that now live far and away and have families of their own. Time really is fleeting, the flowers do fade this time of year, yet recalling the love we have experienced together brightens ever chill of fall air and the light and warmth blazes through the fragrant flowers. - Joe Holuta

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Looking at one frame


Looking at one frame

Looking at one frame

Each day, each moment , only a frame in the film strip, our story

Splicing, editing, a daily routine


it’s only a frame,- one frame in our story

One frame, one scene, but there’s still more to our story

“we look back on the past and ponder over the future,”*

The means, the most winding course, least looked for at times -

Like God placing “the sand as a boundary to the roaring sea”

We write all this because “retelling this story fulfills our joy”

“take the story a little bit farther…”

“I know everything God does endures for all time. 

Nothing can be added to it; nothing can be taken away from it.”*

About this poem-  Looking at One Frame is a poem about how God oversees a perfect plan for our lives.

When we are discouraged at what’s happening in our lives, we must remind ourselves that there’s more to come. We are looking at one frame, or perhaps one scene in the story. Take heart and “take the story a little bit farther”. - Joe Holuta

“You can't change your past, but you can reframe it. 

Find the lesson in it. Find the opportunity in it. Pull the teachable moment out of it and share with others. 

You can't choose your history, but you can choose the story you tell about it."

-James Clear

*Ecclesiastes 3: 11, 14 voice

Monday, September 2, 2024

Remember, remember, remember

Remember, remember, remember 

The dogwood leaves were motionless this morning 

Silent in the morning sunshine 

Yesterday they danced in a slight breeze , 

Gently grasped by the smallest hand 

-Holding the grandest gesture 

-Life itself 

Remember these early mornings remember- remember the newness of the texture of both the leaf and her joy and smile

And  the many emotions and connections being made 

 that wonderful little mind wanting to share it all with others around


Remember “while your young”

The Creator and life

Remember the fleeting life-

As a dogwood leaf “slips through your fingers”

Remember it all in full color and expression 

Remember, remember, remember  Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem:  Remember, remember, remember is a poem about the fleeting time in the mornings we experienced with our granddaughter in September. Each new leaf, its texture is color, brought joy, and a smile to her- and she wanted to share it with everyone. Her new find , her new prize. O if I would just experience all of life like she did and remember, remember, remember to share the joy and the prize of each day. - Joe Holuta

* Ecclesiastes 12 thoughts 

LakeHouse again

LakeHouse again Morning light so sweet,  good to see the light of day With those we love, again, and again,  Every breath applauding the ple...