Saturday, July 27, 2024

Glimpse of Michael Joseph

Glimpse of Michael Joseph

What memory of Michael moved your soul?

What did he mean to you?

What role did he play in your lives?

We share a birthday, planned by my sister Diana.

April showers bring beautiful, hardy, and fragrant flowers.

Our namesake starts life new.

A cherished legacy breaking ground.

I am thankful that "The grass did not wither,

and this flower did not fade” years ago.

Faithfulness, and loving kindnesses penciled down, seeing so much more life.

The twists and turns of our lives together

The nurturing, guiding and early life, so many times together,

Beach vacations, the birthdays, and holidays

Diana and Mike “set up a stone, a foundation, a rock of help,” all of Michael’s life

We humbly and respectfully hear, “The Eternal One has helped us so far …” (1)

A note, call, or text, a smile from them; light to the day!

Tears of joy together with tears of pain, sufficient grace along the way

Look and see glimpses of God’s grace fill the day!

We squint to see clearly to life as it is.

The rain came hard, water droplets beading like tears on the petals,

Now heavy, bowing down, the satiny petals fall.

Last few years so hard. Broken - recover, fracture - recover, cracked- recover, splintered-rising up

I wanted to “shake the Bed rails” and ask God why?

I thought “if we kept knocking long enough that God would get up and give him whatever he needs, simply because of our persistence.” (2)

“Keep on asking, and you will receive. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened for you.” (3)

Yet, Diana heard, over and over, “I love you, goodnight.”

"My Life for yours", she lived out day by day

God works all things together WITH those who love him.”

So, can love and care really save the day? I think so!

Can words we thought unimportant lift spirits from the depth? I think so!

Carrying on is possible through shattered, harsh, days- grace make a place.

Michael asked, “Are we staying at the same beach house next year?”

The time each year we built lives together,

Forever cannot take those days away

And he will be in our hearts as the years before

You can hear the crashing waves on the shore,

Seashells reach to catch the morning sunshine

Hard to leave when volumes of memories collide on the sands and sky and

days that you hoped would never end.

Last day at the beach, struggling umbrella in the wind

To stay firm and not turn inside out in the gusts of ocean winds of life

Dreaming of years to come, full and circle again

The years come and years go, and joy returns and then goes to the sea again

but the building of family happens

You don’t always consider it as it’s happening, and then it’s there in your hearts

“The way of love…Grounding, a place to rest amid life and chaos

Pulling us through when no strength remains”, coming alongside, devoted

Pausing *to lift up, eyes and hearts wide open to the path ahead

Even in a desert place, God, I have seen you lift, preserve, and provide fleeting times of refreshing

I will praise you though it feels so cold today “ it’s been January for months in both directions” (5)

Living is both “difficult and vital” but Hope springs up

“The only path forward is true solidarity - now not only in hope, but also in lamentation” (6)

Life awaits the other side of this day!

We carry Michael’s life and legacy forward, we say Michael’s name!

Recall forever the memory of Michael that moved your soul; what he meant to you and the role he played in your lives!

We cherish and are thankful for him!

Rare beauty , common grace

“You were a presence full of light upon this Earth/ And I am a witness to your life and to its worth.” (7)

We are crushed my dear brother, love far exceeding anything we know. The loss of such a friend, (8)

“it is parting with a piece of one’s self....The more we love the more we grieve."

Jesus, full of compassion, assures us I will be there to greet you personally and welcome you home, where we will be together : "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." (John 14:1-3 ESV)

Glimpse of Michael Joseph Mitchell, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem- Glimpse of Michael Joseph Mitchell is a poem about remembering my nephew. A memory that moved my soul was the times we spent together during regular times weekly for a period of our lives. We would have a brief time of greeting, laughter, dessert and then he would let me know it was time for me to go and say goodbye. Michael meant the world to us. Michael’s sense of humor recalling our comical times together that would make us laugh really hard, like our epic Aerostar van trip together with his cousins to Seven Springs– “remember that uncle Joe?”. The role he played in my life was that he showed me true meaning of resilience. Michael kept me honest, valued the simplicity and security of home, family and love of life. Michael lived this one day at a time experiencing true, unconditional, selfless love from those closest to him! I only ask Michael, that you make arrangements for my arrival and be there to greet me personally and welcome me home, where we will be together! – Joe Holuta


1. 1 Samuel 7:12 VOICE

2. Luke 11:8 VOICE

3. Luke 11:9 VOICE


5. Wild Pear Tree, Kaveri Akbar

6. The Anthropocene Reviewed, John Green pg. 213

7. Matthew 25:21, Song by Mountain Goats Lyrics.

“You were a presence full of light upon this Earth/ And I am a witness to your life and to its worth.

”The master answered, ‘You did well. You are a good and ·loyal [faithful] servant. Because you were ·loyal [faithful] with ·small [a few] things, I will ·let you care for [put you in charge of] ·much greater [many] things. ·Come and share my joy with me [Enter into the joy of your master].’ Matt.25.21 EXB

8. 2 Samuel:26 (MSG

Friday, July 26, 2024

“… voices…”



You know the days!

You see mouth moving, but you fail to hear a sound

Our heart so burdened by the loss

You hear the passing voice, drowning out all others, longing to hear it again

So you walk and talk with a younger cousin

Tossing the ball - an Arch so wide from heart to heart

Lessening the pain we talk of the present joys

Archie stumbles on the rocks and gets up again, stunned, but trying to keep going

Like life keeps pushing you, pushing you to the present

To life as it is, and you hear voices again

Loving, caring, voices and the ball drops at your feet

She picks up the ball and tosses it 

Her arm, a bird tattoo - so fitting

Considering the sparrows, the cardinals 

Calling out - “freedom, hope, spirit, transition, and new opportunities.

Messengers of renewal, transition, and eternity”

My grandson and Archie and birds in the air 

Unaware of this burden they lifted and the sweet sound to her ears.

Voices , Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta 

About this poem- Voices is a poem written on the day of a funeral luncheon. My niece was talking with my grandson playing with her dog Archie. Adult voices seemed without sound to our ears, but talking with a young cousin about the present and bright eyes about life currently was refreshing and joy to the soul. When I saw the picture taking by Cynthia, I knew it said more than words could say.

The cycle of life and how life doesn’t wait it keeps moving. And Archie had renewed vigor to fetch the ball again and again. At some point, you can hear voices again as your pain lessens so little as you enjoy present life as it is- Joe Holuta

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

“… cadence of life…”

Cadence of life

Waves keep their rhythm in time
Pounding the sand again and again/ the tempo

The world moves around and around
Me Oblivious we are /the view of swimmers in the ocean play 

First breath to final breath 
Life comes and goes as the gentle wind
The Sea oats waving to a life well lived

Seagulls lofting in the ocean gusts wind and thermals 
Seeing lives forever changed

Cadence of life, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: Cadence of life is a poem about life and it’s passing. Dedicated to Michael in the most difficult time of life. - Joe Holuta


Sunday, July 7, 2024

“… We walk in this world…”

Pic by Mike

We walk in this world

Sunrise to hear birds singing

Rays of light brighten the entire room

Heart mending and heart breaking times

We see

No respect of the sunny day

Or the singing in the treetops

Defending and fighting- “with weapons not of this world”*-

We walk In the world

and on Morningside

We walk in this world, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

*2 Cor 10:4

“The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places.” (ERV)

About this poem: We walk in this world is a poem about the mending of the heart that happens when the sun rises and sets on a new day and we recall the -Not of this world-heavenly protection and care that guards us. This happens as we walk and remember and especially on streets we lived so long a time. - Joe Holuta

Pic by Mike

Pic by Mike

Snow Covered Memorial Stones

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