Wednesday, May 29, 2024

“… A Fresh Breath…”

A Fresh Breath 

“Take a fresh breath “

Offer fresh words 

Gentle and patient,

Not one rotten,hurtful word- only helpful [good] 

Build up when they need it most

Stunned by a remarkable life

Forgiven, forgotten, putting on the new 

Shaking our heads to what God has done 

Some, walking casting seed in tears 

Long rows, treading long, long, rows

One day, amazed by what appeared 

Planting with sighs

Returning with joy and singing

A fresh breath, and breathing fresh words

A Fresh Breath, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: A Fresh Breath is a poem about times in life when you feel like you’ve taken a fresh breath when hearing fresh encouraging, kind words either in what you read or from someone that cares for you. Life can be hard at times and we continue to cast seed sowing in hopes of someday seeing results.

- Joe Holuta

*Inspired by Psalm 126 and Ephesians 4

 “Our mouths were filled with laughter;our tongues were spilling over into song.The word went out across the prairies and deserts,across the hills, over the oceans wide, from nation to nation:“The Eternal has done remarkable things for them.” We shook our heads. All of us were stunned—the Eternal has done remarkable things for us.We were beyond happy, beyond joyful.”

Psalm 126 excerpt

 “ take a fresh breath and to let God renew your attitude and spirit.  Don’t let even one rotten word seep out of your mouths. Instead, offer only fresh words that build others up when they need it most. That way your good words will communicate grace to those who hear them.”

Ephesians 4


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

“… Whole world in your pocket …”

Whole world in your pocket 

Hope, Gain, fleeting, fading 
Life slips through 

Whole worlds near and pockets full *
Steel cracked and chipped bewildered too 

Short-lived life
Give way to gain 

Falling apart?  Never sight alone!
[“Breathing in new life every day”]**

The fleeting fades away
That we cannot see lives on and on

Where is his Gain?
Where is her Hope?

Have pockets full
Not lost or slipping through 

Whole world in your pocket , Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: Whole world in your pocket, is a poem about [Waking up each day and living each day like it’s your first day]. Hold tight to the important and  hold lightly that which passes and fades.
 [Lives bracketed] by Gods kindness, grace, and mercies new every morning. - Joe Holuta

* Luke 9:25 VOICE 
“Listen, what good does it do you if you gain everything—if the whole world is in your pocket—but then your own life slips through your fingers and is lost to you?”
Luke 9:25 VOICE 

** 2 Corinthians 4: 8, 16-18 VOICE
 “We are cracked and chipped from our afflictions on all sides, but we are not crushed by them. We are bewildered at times, but we do not give in to despair.”
2 Corinthians 4:8 VOICE

“So we have no reason to despair. Despite the fact that our outer humanity is falling apart and decaying, our inner humanity is breathing in new life every day.  You see, the short-lived pains of this life are creating for us an eternal glory that does not compare to anything we know here.  So we do not set our sights on the things we can see with our eyes. All of that is fleeting; it will eventually fade away. Instead, we focus on the things we cannot see, which live on and on.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 VOICE

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Steady me

pc emily ann

Steady me

Kneeling down to hear 

A faint and whispered cry 

Reaching down and drew me up 

Safely on a warm rock 

Holding me until steady enough 

Journeying  again

“ And if this were not enough”*

A clear mind and a new song to sing 

Steady me, 

Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

*Inspired by Psalm 40:1-3 Voice

About this poem: Steady me is a poem about coming alongside one another and carrying one another’s burdens and also, “since God cares for you, let him carry all your burdens and worries”(1 Peter 5:7).

Family does this so well! - Joe Holuta

Safely set on warm rock

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

“… Innocence/ carefree…”

Innocence/ carefree

A picture - years gone by

Captures the innocence of those days 

Today’s “morning – glory” of flowers 

Unfurl into full bloom 

Innocently the memory lifts the heaviness 

That years pile and press 

Photographs from a day ago 

Morning glory that hoists the soul

Grace extravagant, “mighty in battle“ 

Today again, as far gone yesterday, yesterday……..

Innocence/ carefree, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: Innocence/ carefree is a poem about family and faith. Family and faith are heroic efforts of our lives! Family comes alongside in “those moments”. Faith and family- robust and vigorous- and provides confidence as we trust God in all that concerns. -Joe Holuta


Snow Covered Memorial Stones

Snow covered memorial stones  Snow covered stones with those we love below Names covered - “How will they know It is us that lie?”  Far bene...