Tuesday, April 23, 2024

“…the shepherd…”

The shepherd 

Walking in the woods,

Praying, pleading,

Singing joyful thanks

The earth,

God’s canvas,

Each glimpse 

Your inspiration

Stories of green apples,

rabbits in jacket pockets,

Garlic grown, pizza throne

And always “I love you”

Strength unmatched,

Hands that serve

Sojourner for knowledge

No stone unturned

Diligence in your veins,

Bloodshed for your children, 

A microscopic view 

Of everything you do

“Walk and see 

The memories” 

Created just for us

Four turned to Seventeen 

Built from your love

At a drop of a hat,

Ecouraging, lamenting, 

Holding all like your own, 

Never an outlaw, 

Always a new home

What a joy to be your “loved one”

And to see the world through poetic eyes

For what would this world be without you

But another sun and moonrise

( The Shepherd written by Rachel Arlia and Emily Ann -Happy birthday dad!!!)

“Daughters like corner pillars that decorate a palace..” 

Psalm 144:12 VOICE

Snow Covered Memorial Stones

Snow covered memorial stones  Snow covered stones with those we love below Names covered - “How will they know It is us that lie?”  Far bene...