Sunday, October 22, 2023

“…The Black pond …”

The Black Pond

The black pond is filled with color,

The Autumn leaves, a colorful reflection 

Fog lifting

White mountains opposite

The Black pond’s malleability, rain gently falls

Birds singing, echos faintly heard  

Hemlock in the air

Fragrance of ferns and fresh fallen leaves

Peace, tranquility, serenity 

Pemigewasset river and wilderness

“There is a brook along the way” 1

Birch Island Brook, cascades nearby

Double-peaked ridge of Bondcliff across

Reflecting on The Black Pond 2 

I thought in so quiet a place

Filled with color and majesty so sheltered from the crowd

The Black pond is not black only but grand in scope and color

“When life is dark a light will shine” 3

All the ways the human eye processes light, 

How can light hitting the human eye tell us so much?

Total absorption of light

Mourning, darkness, solemnity, authority vulnerability, luxury, power and elegance - black

As quiet surrounds me

Clarity skims across the water

“You saw me and the rain stopped”4

And then there’s You 

Starting over

High in the hearts 

Refreshing waters,

Life-giving streams

The Black Pond, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: The Black Pond is a poem about a pond on a trail that runs through the forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Jayne and I hiked this trail in October 2023 on our 42nd wedding anniversary trip to Maine and New Hampshire. The pond area was so beautiful and quiet. A gentle rain started while we looked across the pond.The Black Pond reflects the summit of Bondcliff, which rises majestically over the trees on clear days. A rocky point with a few tall trees extends into the water on the right side. A brook did run along the trail next to a vast wilderness we barely set foot.

1. Psalm 110:7 “There is a brook along the way. He will stop there and drink; And when he is finished, he will raise his head.” (VOICE)


3. Psalm 112:4 "When life is dark, a light will shine for those who live rightly— those who are merciful, compassionate, and strive for justice."(VOICE)


Thursday, October 12, 2023


Lia Rose pic by Emily


The wake, 

the ripples shimmer shore to shore

Early morning sounds

Laughter echoing from the kayaks, swimming, and island floating 

Fishing and campfire songs

Sisters singing and dancing as in years before

Time to think and dream again

Distractions far and away

Childhood wonder- lakeside 

Pontoon, houseboats, and jet skis racing away the day, like it is the last day

Family taking a breath 

Been so good to me

Time after time 

The trails near the LakeHouse well rambled

The older, the young, the new mom-infant in arm all walk the same trails 

Family, discovery, newness

Sandy beach and bodies 

Uncrowded, swimming laps

Unhooking fish, gentle releasing

Freedom and shelter from … life

From the pace

A cove quiet 

A freedom cove 

a view renewing

A harvest moon revealing

Night sounds restoring

Acorns dropping sounds as

Squirrels nest tirelessly 

Rest so peaceful 

Mercy never ending 

Truth everlasting 

Generations lasting as they take 

“Another circle around the sun”

“Time really is a circle. I can see that now.”

But then you look and see... 

The newness, surrounding beauty,

True joy, contentment


LakeHouse, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: LakeHouse is a poem about our family taking a weekend getaway to Lake Anna, Virginia. The time was Maude's first vacation with her cousins and family. The food and quiet and rest were so refreshing. Sisters singing and dancing around the fire light as in earlier years. Grandchildren swimming with mom and dad with sounds of laughter echoing over the lake. Grandparents in wonder, at the newness, "taking another circle around the sun."

“Because the Eternal is good, 

His loyal love and mercy will never end,

 and His truth will last throughout all generations.”

 Psalm 100:5 voice 

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