Tuesday, September 26, 2023

“… Love at first sight…”

Love at first sight 

We say love at first sight-

brown eyes looking up at me 

Dressed in brighter white

pills dropping hand meeting hand

touching hearts 

Hair down for the first time and bright brown eyes 

-first sight, forever in mind and heart

“Whoever loved, that loved not at first sight?” *

Love valued, pausing to lift

Come lay your troubles down, hold me together **

Treasure where my heart is also

Love at first sight

Love at first sight, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

 "With every sun’s rising, surprise us with Your love, satisfy us with Your kindness.

Then we will sing with joy and celebrate every day we are alive." Psalm 90:1-2,14 VOICE

*Who Ever Loved That Loved Not at First Sight?

by Christopher Marlowe

It lies not in our power to love or hate,

For will in us is overruled by fate.

When two are stripped, long ere the course begin,

We wish that one should love, the other win;

And one especially do we affect

Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:

The reason no man knows; let it suffice

What we behold is censured by our eyes.

Where both deliberate, the love is slight:

Who ever loved, that loved not at first sight

** Hold Me Together (Lyrics and song)

Saturday, September 9, 2023

…“Declare! But what shall I declare?…”

Pic by Cynthia

“Declare! But what shall I declare?”


But what shall I declare” 1

Today I declare-

I am so thankful that "This grass did not wither,

and this flower did not fade years ago 

Faithfulness and loving kindnesses,

 penciled down seeing so much life 


Goodbye fear,

Goodbye yesterday and tomorrow 

Hello hope, hello today

Do not despair,

God is good all the time-

What about my cares and worries? 

What about the sparrows?

You beloved are worth so much more

than a whole flock of sparrows 

Even in a desert place,

I have seen you lift, preserve and water

I will praise you,

"I won't let the stones cry out 3

Find me in the desert

Holding onto You for life

The desert will never take my song

Oh, the desert will never take my song" 4


God is the God of the mountains and the valleys 5 

"Find me in the valley

Standing with my hands held high

The valley will never take my song" 4

Pic by Cynthia 

"Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope."6

I cried out in distress. You delivered

answered me from the secret place.

I will fear God, come close and draw near

Thankful for this unshakable Kingdom

Reflecting awe and reverence 


Remembrance 7

“You have been so good to me. Oh,

 to think where I would be If not for You”

“Declare! But what shall I declare?”


But what shall I declare” 1

Today I declare-

I am thankful that "This grass did not wither,

and this flower did not fade years ago 

Faithfulness and loving kindnesses,

penciled down seeing so much more life 

Goodbye fear,

Goodbye yesterday and tomorrow 

Hello hope, hello today

Do not despair,

God is good all the time-

What about my cares and worries? 

What about the sparrows?

You beloved are worth so much more

than a whole flock of sparrows 

Even in a desert place,

I have seen you lift, preserve and water

I will praise you,

"I won't let the stones cry out 3

Find me in the desert

Holding onto You for life

The desert will never take my song

Oh, the desert will never take my song" 4

God is the God of the mountains and the valleys 5 

"Find me in the valley

Standing with my hands held high

The valley will never take my song" 4

"Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope."6

I cried out in distress. You delivered me

Answered me from the secret place.

Steady enough, you held me, He alone my rock

I will fear God, come close and draw near

Thankful for this, unshakable Kingdom

Reflecting awe and reverence 


Remembrance 7

“You have been so good to me. Oh to think where I would be If not for You”

“Declare! But what shall I declare?” Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

About this poem: Declare! But what shall I declare is a poem about All life is like the grass.

All of its grace and beauty fades like the wild flowers in a field. Years ago my life could have ended or changed dramatically and so it gives me an urgency to declare that the word of God will stand forever. No regretting the past or fearing the future but using my time given to record, remember, be in awe of God, and declare God's faithfulness. Declare it on the mountain top experiences and in the valleys. Surely God delivers in the desert places and in despair and this I declare for if I do not even the stones would cry out. God has been so good to me.  "The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases other fears before it." (Charles Spurgeon)

1. Isaiah 40: 6-8

“A voice says, "Declare!" But what shall I declare?

All life is like the grass.

All of its grace and beauty fades like the wild flowers in a field.

The grass withers, the flower fades as the breath of the Eternal One

blows away.

People are no different from grass.

The grass withers, the flower fades; nothing lasts except the word of our God.

It will stand forever.”

 2. Matthew 10: 30-31 voice

"You, beloved, are worth so much more than a whole flock of sparrows. God knows everything about you, even the number of hairs on your head. So do not fear." 

Been so good

For every morning

For every open door

I call You faithful

And I just wanna thank You, Lord

For every mountain

For every time You've brought me through

I call You faithful

And I just wanna thank You, Lord

For Your forgiveness

For how You never turned away

I call You faithful

And I just wanna thank You, Lord

For Your salvation

You paid the price I couldn't pay

I call You faithful

And I just wanna thank You, Lord

3.  Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying: “‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! ’Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.” But He answered and said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.”

Luke 19: 37-40 NKJV

I won’t let the Stones cry out


Find me in the valley

Standing with my hands held high

The valley will never take my song

Find me in the desert

Holding onto You for life

The desert will never take my song

Oh, the desert will never take my song

I will praise You

I will praise You

I won't let the stones cry

I won't let the stones cry out

I will praise You

Something in me has to

I won't let the stones cry

I won't let the stones cry out

5. 1 Kings 20:28 MSG

 "Just then a holy man approached the king of Israel saying, “This is God’s word: Because Aram said, ‘God is a god of the mountains and not a god of the valleys,’ I’ll hand over this huge mob of an army to you. Then you’ll know that I am God.”

6. "Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope."
From the "I Have A Dream" speech in Washington, DC on August 28, 1963



7. Malachi 3:16-17 VOICE

 "Then those who fear the Eternal One consulted each other about God’s charges, each one to his neighbor, and the Eternal One paid attention and heard. A book of remembrance was written before Him for those who honored the Eternal One and valued His name and the good reputation. Eternal One: And they will be Mine on that day when I, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, make My unique treasure—which is the kingdom of Israel. I will have pity on them as a man has pity on his son who serves him."

Pic by Emily 

Snow Covered Memorial Stones

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