Monday, March 27, 2023

"Springtime- how does it know..."

Springtime- how does it know

March winds rise and gust today

Sending winter's hold faraway

Daffodils in yellow bloom waving a greeting 

to a friend from long ago

How does it know to befriend again?

Trees budding, new life, new growth

Gentle showers cease as the sunshine breaks through the day

Hyacinths second to the crocus peek out from the ground

Before the tulips bloom as they wait

Among a purple flowered myrtle field

The maple sap is filling from bottom up to the tree limbs, 

to the pink buds starting to appear

Forsythia starting now to green before the yellow brightens the countryside

The Aspen, Dogwood, and Redbud patiently wait their time

Grass greening up, nature's way

How do the brown blades know to green again?

New birds arrive and their distinctive songs fill the air

Coming back from the winter leave 

The blue sky, with the beautiful flowers and buds and sweet sound of the songbirds, 

Bring cherished life to our souls again 

How do they know to do this again?

Remember Spring, 

A hope and rest it echoes

Beauty of the sounds of life,

Care of the flowers of the field , the timing and nature’s rhythm and cycles 

Rest in the seasons , in the fleeting

Rest, off the worn hard paths,

in the meadows 

in the “fields of green grass” 1

Springtime- how does it know, Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta

1. Psalm 23:2


About this Poem: Springtime- how does it know, is about the first flowers of Spring greeting the season. Myrtle and tree buds start to bloom. Brown blades of grass know to turn green. Ending in the ABC's of rest of Psalm 23, meadows green. - Joe Holuta

Saturday, March 11, 2023

“…apple of my eye…”

Apple of My Eye 

The cold wind came again from the west to northeast

Snow, thought gone for the season, covers the ground again 

Fresh hope springing up gets quelled

Crocuses, daffodils, and tulips emerging

early in the sun’s warmth and light

“Shine on Us” they seem to voice,

 gently applauding each other’s beauty 

The sun warms the air, surrounding beauty, 

Driven snow now becomes warmed,

Morning water droplets 

Holding on with dear life to the flowers,

gripping tightly, yet best efforts fail

at taming time and seasons 

Snow this year and raging water in places- unprecedented

Lives shortened by nature’s wild surprise and unsuspected way

“Oh God, who sets things right, shine upon us” 1

Like “heavenly messengers”, light overshadows darkness, 

Seasons inscribed deep on earth’s frame 

Change and time passing, 

they cycle

Daylight lengthens,

Darkness lessens 

The game we play with clocks, and Time,

Robbing morning’s glory 

to gain the light at the end of day

Only falling back again when the seasons change

Picture after picture "personality here"

Friendships built deep, lasting year after year, after year

Smiles and gestures of youth, heart throbbing memories 

Strong supports built in the light can’t be taken

when the shadow and darkness come

Love letters written in our lives

Swing low swing high and 

Gesture to the loving way

The faraway 

Loving you for exactly who you are,

just the way you are, and made to be

You whom I love, the “Apple of my eye” 2

Apple of My EyeGlimpse poetry, by Joe Holuta

  1. Psalm 94:1 
  2. Matthew 3:17
About this Poem: Apple of My Eye, is a poem about fresh hope springing up at a time amidst trials of unrelenting flooding and snow in California 2023 when lives were lost. Light still overshadows darkness. Daylight is longer now and the returning of this reminds me of the cycles we see in life and how many times pictures of our young children, and them on an old swing set with their friends help recall gestures of love. Also, seeing a love letter i wrote my wife 42 years ago in among the pictures helps me recall that we love each other just the way we are as God looks on us as the apple of His eye. - Joe Holuta

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