Wednesday, April 27, 2022



More and more green begins to appear

From the winter, spring draws near

From the forest lowest, to the trees very high

Tender green leaves appear as blossoms drift by

Reawaken, snap out of it, 

The new green speaks in the spring 

Recalling luxuriant summer and spectacular colorful scenes

Refreshing times from April to May

As this cycle of nature paints,

 so faithfully portrays our hope and stay 

Winter so dormant and cold and less day, long night,

Spring gains more hope, each day more light

I try not to wish Spring away with its imperfections and not-thereness

Summer days are long but have struggle too

Fall regrets can rise within for soon winter will begin again 

Call to mind ,cast all your cares high

As the hawk’s eyes scan All below

So does God who cares and knows, and knows,

And works all together under the sky

(Green, Glimpse Poetry by Joe Holuta)


More and more green begins to appear

From the winter, spring draws near

From the forest lowest, to the trees very high

Tender green leaves appear as blossoms drift by

Reawaken , snap out of it, 

The new green speaks in the spring 

Recalling luxuriant summer and spectacular colorful scenes

Refreshing times from April to May

As this cycle of nature paints,

 so faithfully portrays our hope and stay 

Winter so dormant and cold and less day, long night,

Spring gains more hope, each day more light

I try not to wish Spring away with its imperfections and not-thereness

Summer days are long but have struggle too

Fall regrets can rise within for soon winter will begin again 

Call to mind ,cast all your cares high

As the hawk’s eyes scan All below

So does God who cares and knows, and knows,

And works all together under the sky

(Green, Glimpse Poetry by Joe Holuta)

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

"...For The Joy..."

For The Joy


(For The Joy, Glimpse poetry, by Joe Holuta)

 For The Joy
All my anxious thoughts -present, behind, and ahead

Mountain high to Valley Green

Wind and strife seek to define

Oh, but for the Joy set before,

Oh, for the joy set before Him he endured the cross

Amazing grace a distant sound 

often I forget the solid ground

Amazing mercies new each day

Seem covered by the clouds, dismay

Oh, but for the joy set before

Oh, for the joy set before he endured the cross

Daffodils and tulips new

Blossoms fall and green renewed

April snow may cover the seed

But flowers pierce the ground beneath

Oh, the joy set before

Oh, the joy set before him he endured the cross

When all seemed lost

Scattered hearts three days long

Early before the sun had risen

stone rolled away

in the garden His voice heard

his breath gave life

Disbelief’s hand to his pierced side

Later seen by many,

together, speaking, eating

Oh for the joy set before him

He endured the cross

Hope alive today, Victory sure

Death’s sting gone

Life forevermore
(For The Joy, Glimpse poetry, by Joe Holuta)

"...Concern soon fades..."

Concern soon fades

No matter how dark or winter the day,

Neither mountain high, nor the valley place

Love and mercy run

Run side by side

Railing trials, pains, veer away


Troubles, couriers of kind to meaningful mercies

Today, stark white, dormant and snow covered beside

Turns bright lavender, alive in the field another day.

Put an ear to the track, not heard through the air,

signal, alert the approach, Mercy arrives,

as all concern soon fades to a distant train.

Concern soon fades

No matter how dark or winter the day,

Neither mountain high, nor the valley place

Love and mercy run

Run side by side

Railing trials, pains, veer away

Troubles, couriers of kind to meaningful mercies

Today, stark white, dormant and snow covered beside

Turns bright lavender, alive in the field another day.

 Put an ear to the track, not heard through the air,

signal, alert the approach, Mercy arrives,

as all concern soon fades to a distant .

(Concern soon Fades, Glimpse Poetry by Joe Holuta)

"... Be my Valentine..."

Be My Valentine ♥️

Day by day we seek help,

From above, goodness made-to-measure,

despair lifts, promises true.

The good I know, pictures fresh in mind and shelf,

is found in moments with you.

My heart is thrilled each day new, beauty and faith circle me,

peace again as the day to close.

You, life-giving, my future, my riches

Home surrounded, beauty, abundance, rich legacy.

My valentine, my heart you center present in my mind

This is a good life, hearts glad,

soul not abandoned, full of joy.

Paths that lead to a beautiful life,

as I walk with you the pleasures never ending,

my valentine be mine

Again and again to the end of time.

(Inspired by Psalm 16 Voice)

"...A Snapshot in Time..."

A Snapshot in Time

Vital snapshots that fix our lives

Bridging the gap of distance and time

Standing together in early life

Tying together

against the breaking waves

Withstanding life’s challenges together, forever vital

The struggle faced straight on

New memories that recall

old memories of resilience 

encouragement moving forward 

similarity, generations, lifetimes.

Love fixes, our hearts, our minds

Wind, gust the lamentable away

Straining the good, a net

Remnant, salt from the ocean’s 

water on glass

Sunshine and water glimmer

Faces and smiles bright

Grasping the bonnet that covers and

The net that holds fast

against any threat of loss



The umbrella weathered the storm
a shelter in the rain

Borne to meetings 
Affecting many and structures in tim

Protection, coverage 
drops of rain,
sunshine breaks through

Safe in the windy days,
seeking the good


The umbrella weathered the storm
a shelter in the rain

Borne to meetings 
Affecting many and structures in time

Protection, coverage 
drops of rain,
sunshine breaks through

Safe in the windy days,
seeking the good

(Umbrella, Glimpse Poetry by Joe Holuta)

Psalm 23 "He cares for me always"

 The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always.

He provides me rest in rich, green fields

beside streams of refreshing water

He soothes my fears.

He makes me whole again,

    steering me off worn, hard paths

    to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.

Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness,

    I am not overcome by fear.

Because You are with me in those dark moments,

    near with Your protection and guidance,

    I am comforted.

You spread out a table before me,

    provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies;

You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, 
fragrant oil,

    filling my cup again and again with Your grace.

Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me
    where I go, always, everywhere.

I will always be with the Eternal,
    in Your house forever.

"Two birch trees side by side"

Two Birch Trees

Two birch trees side by side
No shade between
white paper birch bark
fragile when pulled away

Two birch trees side by side
Tender birch twigs,
children peeled the bark away
sweet to the taste
survival long ago

Two birch trees side by side
Quick to grow
green leaves in spring
last leaves in fall to go
Design beautiful
Even in the cold winter snow

Two birches side by side
hardwood deep
Grow together
Reaching the blue sky
Could there be a Third, behind?
By their side

Two Birch Trees

Two birch trees side by side
No shade between
white paper birch bark
fragile when pulled away

Two birch trees side by side
Tender birch twigs,
children peeled the bark away
sweet to the taste
survival long ago

Two birch trees side by side
Quick to grow
green leaves in spring
last leaves in fall to go
Design beautiful
Even in the cold winter snow

Two birches side by side
hardwood deep
Grow together
Reaching the blue sky
Could there be a Third, behind?
By their side

(Two Birch Trees, Glimpse Poetry by Joe Holuta)

".. wind in the Pines.."


Wind in the Pines

First, the branches sway
then the sound,
a peaceful, distant train
a song up high

Thoughts of years ago
Fishing, hunting near a stream
Father at my side

Near the lake
the pines sway
Camp chatter heard before the dawn
and family starts the day

Crystal clear the pine reflects
Peaceful, ripples, quiet water
The loon calls , love reminders
joy to the day

The sound again
the wind is heard
The cabin below the pines
Children play and wood smoke
fills the air, the mountain high

Moonlight pierces
Through the branches
Clouds break in the night sky
as the wind, in the pines quiet the night

A rainbow, a sunset
 sentinel pine
years and years stood so high
Shelter to all beneath
And a joy to see one last time

Snow Covered Memorial Stones

Snow covered memorial stones  Snow covered stones with those we love below Names covered - “How will they know It is us that lie?”  Far bene...